Blog Post

The 6 domains of Resilience

I recently completed a course on Resilience with the acclaimed Maria Roberto from Salutegenics ( It really got me thinking about what it actually means to successfully adapt to stressors, maintain psychological wellbeing in the face of adversity. It’s about taking a preventative approach to mental health rather than waiting for burnout to strike or the need for professional intervention and treatment. I would really like to highlight the six domains of resilience and really get you to think about what each of them mean to you.

  1. Vision: This is about your sense of purpose, goals and personal vision for yourself. This really sits at the core as its guided by what you want to achieve
  2. Composure: This is about being able to regulate emotions. This also ties to being able to consider your own beliefs and expectations that produce emotions in the first place.
  3. Reasoning: This refers to your ability to act ahead of time to prevent things from going wrong in the first place. It’s about being resourceful and actually seeing opportunities for change
  4. Health: Good health means looking after your body through what you eat, engaging in exercise and getting plenty of sleep
  5. Tenacity: This talks to persistence and being able to sit with problems and learn from mistakes. It also encapsulates having a sense of realistic optimism
  6. Collaboration: This domain is all about connection- connect with others.  A key part of collaboration is understanding the context of your interaction with people. Having a meeting with people at work and spending time with friends on the weekend are two very different contexts.

 I think there is a lot to ponder around this topic. It really got me thinking about role models in my life who show resilience, who are actually able to bounce back against adversity. Who are those people in your life?

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