Blog Post

Rest to Feel Your Best

Studies indicate that one of the best ways to become sleep deprived is to have children! I concur with this. It is estimated that parents of a new baby forgo between 300 and 750 hours of sleep in the first year alone. It begs the question; can you die from sleep deprivation? Perhaps? Sleep deprivation can cause havoc on your limbic system, your motivation, our immunity and the list goes on. Let’s make a conscious effort to improve our sleep by taking on board some of the below tips. Remember that consistency is key!

Tips for a better sleep:

  1. Get the light right: Avoid bright- especially blue light at night
  2. Be active in the morning light: We have learned that both morning light and exercise are great for improving sleep. Why not combine the two.
  3. Stick to a sleep schedule: Do you have a schedule that you stick to? It’s a great idea to try and wake up and go to bed at the same time each day. Keeping a regular sleep-wake cycle helps our circadian biological clock.
  4. Avoid things that keep you up: Exercising or eating too late, caffeine late in the day, having a nap during the day or even being glued to the television late at night
  5. Make your sleep environment the most relaxing place on the planet: Make sure that your bed is comfortable, before you jump into bed take the time to relax by reading a book or listening to music (whatever works for you).

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