Blog Post

Blue and green should often be seen

Immersing yourself in an uplifting physical environment is so important. What do you think is the most cheerful, mood lifting colour? You guessed it, bright hues of yellow and orange. You are probably not surprised by this. Yellow is commonly associated with being happy. Light therapy doesn’t involve burning our retinas by staring into the sun. All that is needed is for our eyes to spend time in well lit area. The sun does seem to be the best source to light up our Limbic System. As a mother to two young children, for us weekend are about finding the next hiking trail and being outdoors.

My top 10 suggestions in the Melbourne region are:

  1. 1000 Steps- Dandenong Ranges
  2. La La Falls Trail- Warburton
  3. Woodlands Historic Park
  4. Stevenson Falls Marrysville
  5. Bushrangers Bay Trail
  6. Werribee Gorge
  7. Organ Pipes National Park
  8. Hanging Rock Summit Walk
  9. Point Napean Walk
  10. Great Otway National Park

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